Tuesday 10 November 2015

Adding Some "Spice" - Craft Brewers Turn to Interesting Ingredients

By Dustin Canestorp

The days of "a beer is a beer" are long gone. While big beer might not have gotten the message yet that bland, boring beer is out (and who cares if they ever do), craft brewers are definitely on the leading edge of innovation when it comes to taste and flavor for their brews. Increasingly, more and more brewers are choosing to add ingredients to their brews to make them stand out and add unique character. What are some of the more popular options out there? Here's a quick rundown, and some of these might surprise you.
Used to give a hint of sweetness to beer without actually putting any sugar into the brew, cinnamon is usually used in conjunction with other additives - notably fruit, ginger and allspice. If you decide to add this to your home brew, be careful, as a little bit goes a long way and it's very easy to overdo it. It's best to err on the side of caution - you would definitely do better to need more than to have too much (it's always possible to brew another batch, but you can't take it out of the brew).
Oats are used for a number of reasons. They help to impart a wonderful smoothness to your beer (which is one reason they're so heavily used in stouts). They also add flavor, though. There's a definite hint of sweetness and usually a noticeable oat-flavor (but not so strong that it stands out as obvious).
Pumpkin is usually only used when brewing beers that will debut during the fall season. It's an amazingly versatile addition to a range of beers, though it does very well in amber ales and lagers, and even in seasonal stouts too. Pumpkin pairs well with cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and allspice.
Why would a brewer use salt in their beer? Actually, it does a lot for some specific styles. For instance, Gose uses it as a traditional ingredient and you'll find that it can help other flavors stand out while imparting a bit of tang to any brew.
Cranberries are excellent additions to seasonal beers, especially light spring and summer brews. However, you can also combine them with traditional fall spices to create a great Thanksgiving brew. If you're going for a fall beer, try adding cinnamon and cloves to the mix as well for some truly outstanding results.
Honey is more prominently used in making mead but it also has a place in the world of brewing. Adding honey certainly ramps up the sweetness of the brew and has a tendency to dry out the finsh, but it can also bring in some very nice aromas as well. Don't overdo it though - not only can honey be very pricy, but too much sweetness can be cloying.
Elderberries are not used too often in American brewing, though you'll find it's pretty common across The Pond. This ingredient is also more frequently used in making wine, but it can be used in beer making for some sweetness and fruit flavors.
If you're going for a holiday brew, then ginger should be on your list. However, it can also be used to create a mock ginger ale (or a real one if you're feeling experimental). Ginger adds both sweetness and spice, but be careful that you don't go overboard with it. While some people are fans of heavy ginger flavor, it can be a bit hard to take for some.
Vanilla gives your beer a smooth, light flavor that is simply unmistakable. It works well in conjunction with many other spices, as well as fruits and is used frequently in fall and holiday brews. It can also be added to stout and porter for some extra flavor too.
Bitter Orange
If you want to add some bitterness to your brew along with citrus notes, then bitter orange peel will do the trick for you. You'll need to make sure that you opt for "bitter" orange peel, as there are several orange peel varieties on the market and many are sweet instead of bitter. These are excellent ingredients for Belgian style beers, but can be used in holiday brews and for many other needs.
Woodruff is used for aroma more than for flavor. It offers a combined smell of vanilla and cut hay, which can be an excellent additive to beer, particularly fall brews.
Star Anise
Star anise is used because of its licorice-like flavor. It's not identical, but it does bring to mind licorice and is usually used in fall and winter brews as well as in Belgian style beers.
These are only a handful of the spices, herbs and other additives that are appearing more and more frequently in US craft beers. In addition to these, you'll find fruit playing a larger role. Cherry and blueberry are probably the most common flavors, but you'll find others out there, including banana, apple, strawberry, banana and more.
Spiced beers are traditionally considered fall or winter brews, though that no longer holds entirely true. Many of the light and refreshing summer brews feature orange and coriander and spring beers also benefit from a bit of spice to lighten them up.
Why Does It Matter?
Why should the increasing use of spices and herbs matter to beer drinkers? Obviously, it opens up the door to a world of new and interesting flavors. It also encourages brewers to get even more creative. Some, like Dogfish Head, have ingredient lists that read more like a grocery list than something you'd find in a bottle, but that doesn't take away from the taste and enjoyment of it.
Undoubtedly, you'll begin to find many other brews available that combine old and new spices into unique flavor combinations to tantalize your palate. Of course, you might have to range farther afield to find them depending on your location, but in many ways that's part of the enjoyment of being a true craft beer lover.


Wednesday 21 October 2015

Medieval Beers And Wines - How Is It Made?

By Jessica Orlando Greenberg

I have always loved the medieval era. It was a time when people enjoyed the simple pleasures in life. It was the time when people didn't have to eat all that processed meat and the vegetables were not filled with pesticides and synthesized fertilizers. In simple words, food was fresh and healthy. Most people either lived as farmers, fishermen, or merchants during this time. Maybe if I was living in the medieval times, I'd probably be farming my own little plot of land, just beside my home!
Back in the Medieval times, people raised pigs, sheep, horses, and cattle. Even with the peasants, there's always a few chickens and ducks to raise, since most of these people really have to raise and grow their own food. It's the nobles and the kings who live an easy life. In any case, everyone's rather healthy, provided that there's no famine or plague within their community!
In any case, after a long day of work, the men would go to their favorite taverns to drink their favorite alcoholic drinks. If there's something that a guy looks forward to after all that farming, hunting, and working, it's a nice glass of ale or beer. Well, even with today, men still love their beer; however, these alcoholic drinks are a far cry compared to those made in the medieval times.
So, how did the people from the medieval ages prepare and make their alcoholic drinks? It actually depends on what kind of drink you're looking for. Most of the common alcoholic drinks at that time were beer, ale, mead, and cider. It's interesting to note that the taverns of the Medieval ages actually did not buy beer or ale from someone, but rather, the back room of the tavern is where the wine, beer, and ale are made. During the Roman era, the real beer was made from barley but as time passed, all other types of grain was acceptable. It wasn't until the 16th century where the seed of hops coming from oats and barley were used.
Cider was another tavern favorite. Well, even until today, cider is part of the tradition during Thanksgiving dinners. Apples are the main ingredient for cider. Most medieval taverns have the horse or cow drawn cider presses, therefore, it's usually the innkeeper or one of his hired help who prepares the cider. Once the apples have been pressed, the juice that comes out from the apples are placed inside the cider bottles and are stored until fermentation finally turns the apple juice into cider. The traditional cider presses were still used even until today, where some people love the taste of cider made by the traditional presses.
Wines are not as popular in Medieval England, since their weather is not suitable for growing grapes. However, in France, there are plenty of grape vineyards and, despite being old enemies, England's nobilities have no other choice but to rely on French wine makers for the best wines. Mead is the drink for the masses, as it's sweet taste is a favorite among nobility and commoners alike.
