Monday 31 August 2020

Hull man launches city's first business dedicated to making mead


Wheatleys of Yorkshire has delivered its first batch despite dealing with the pandemic

Hull’s first mead-making business has opened up despite a turbulent start due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Oliver Wheatley left his job at the University of Hull at the end of last year to pursue his dream of opening the meadery.
But just after making his first batch which was put aside to age for a few months, the pandemic hit.
But that has not put Oliver off establishing Wheatleys of Yorkshire and he has now sent out his first batch of orders from his premises off Arthur Street in west Hull.

“I have been making mead for a couple of years but it was more of a hobby at first,” he said.

                          Mead-making Hull business Wheatleys of Yorkshire has just opened

“Last year the university was letting some people go so I took the opportunity to leave and try something I have been wanting to do for a while.
“I started putting things in motion and, by February, I had my first batch ready to age.”

So what exactly is mead?

“It is an alcohol in a category of its own,” Oliver explained. “It isn’t a wine or a beer.
“It has been linked to the Vikings but I am not going down that route. I like to see it as a modern drink.
“It is a drink fermented from honey. I have tried to use local produce where possible but the amount I need means I have had to find other suppliers as well.
“It is quite full-bodied and has a mellow taste on the tongue. It also gives you a warmth as it goes down. Generally, its strength is around 14.5 per cent.”

There are different ways of producing mead but Oliver prefers the more nuanced, scientific approach.

“You generally age it for between three and five months,” he said. “In a way, lockdown has helped me to ensure I age it longer and do not get ahead of myself.
“Mead is generally quite sweet but I have a dry version which has more of a whisky taste.
“I age the mead in glass carboys but you can used oak barrels like you do for whiskey or wine.

“There is a debate as to whether you are traditional and just through all the ingredients or take a more scientific approach.
“I prefer the latter which means keeping an eye on the temperature, measuring out the ingredients and the amount of yeast.
“The different taste come from the honey used and how long you age it. Generally, the more it ages the better.
“But I do different flavours. I have a cherry one and a pear mead. But the one I am particularly proud of is a hibiscus infusion using the flower which provides this lovely red colour."

Launching your own business is a brave move at the best of times but Oliver has also had to deal with the pandemic which came at a very bad time.

“It has been tough trying to set the business up during the pandemic,” he admitted
“At the moment it is just myself and my dad, who is retired, and my girlfriend help out.
“I could not be furloughed and I didn’t have a record of income so I got no help from the Government. Luckily, I had some savings which have helped me through this.
“But we have just sent out our first orders and we have had a good amount of interest.

“We hope to stock local bars and we have already had interest from the Boardroom in Newland Avenue. I hope in time we can actually stock some shops too. We have had 25 orders in the last few days which is a promising start. My unit is really for production rather than drinking but if people want to come and take a look they are welcome if they book in advance."

To find out more or to order any mead visit the Wheatleys of Yorkshire website.

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