Sunday 7 May 2023

Discover the origins of mead at Cape Town Meadery


Did you know that the world’s oldest fermented beverage, mead, originated in Southern Africa, long before the Vikings brewed it?

The Khoi San discovered mead and even fermented it twice as fast as their European counterparts. Today, Cape Town Meadery is bringing this ancient African beverage back to the forefront, with a modern twist.

At Cape Town Meadery, you can taste and learn about the history of mead. Dr Ernst Thompson, the meadmaker, shares his knowledge and passion for mead during the tastings, which last around two hours. With limited group sizes, the experience feels intimate and personal.

The meads offered at Cape Town Meadery vary from the traditional to the unconventional, including sparkling mead, mead gin and even mead lager.

During the tasting, you’ll sample 10 different types of mead, including the Melaurea Mead Methode Traditionnelle, which is a sparkling mead with delicate bubbles and a dry taste, and the Braggot Lager, which is perfect for beer lovers. 

Cape Town Meadery uses organic Zambian honey in their production, supporting small rural communities and protecting natural forests and woodlands.

The mead also has a much lower carbon footprint than other alcoholic beverages, using only 5L of water to make 1L of mead compared to 1740L of water used to make 1L of gin.

Make a booking via Quicket to visit Cape Town Meadery and taste the variety of meads on offer. The limited tastings are currently available every second Saturday until 24 June. You can also purchase mead through their website.

Next time you’re looking for a unique and educational tasting experience, head to Cape Town Meadery and discover the history of mead while enjoying this ancient African beverage with a modern twist.


  • Location: Unit 27, The Old Timber Yard, 7th Avenue, Maitland
  • Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm
  • Website:
  • Book a tasting: Here
  • Cost: R120 per person

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